Just a quick post today to announce two new publications that I'm excited about.

The first is my new edited collection,
Contemporary Quebec: Selected Readings and Commentaries, which I co-edited with Michael Behiels at the University of Ottawa. We've been working on this book for the last six years (yikes!) but it's finally in print. It's mainly intended for upper-year Quebec history courses, and contains thirty-one articles and 14 historiographical essays on various facets of Quebec history since the Duplessis era. Several of the articles are new or previously unpublished English translations, and all are situated within the broader literature in the introductory essays to each of the 14 sections of the book. We've also included bibliographies of further readings for each section (with an emphasis on English-language or translated scholarship) to try to assist anglophone undergraduate students doing research on Quebec history. I also have a previously unpublished article in the collection on the interactions between Canadian and Quebec language policies from the 1960s to the early 1980s.

The second publication is
Life After Forty: Official Languages Policy in Canada / Après quarante ans: Les politiques de langue officielle au Canada. This new edited collection, put together by Jack Jedwab and Rodrigue Landry, came out of a conference held for the 40th anniversary of the Official Languages Act, and includes contributions from a variety of academic and policy perspectives on the impact of this legislation. I have an article in this collection dealing with some of the key features of how this legislation was framed and implemented, particularly its ramifications for the education sector. The book was also
the subject of a recent article in the Montreal Gazette.
Christmas presents for the Canadian/Quebec history geeks in your life, perhaps?
Labels: Contemporary Quebec, Life After Forty, official languages, Quebec
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