And now, some words from my colleagues...
Yikes. I don't think I've let a full month go past without posting since I started this blog up back in 2004. It's not due to a lack of hot topics, but alas, sometimes a fellow has to work on the writing that he is paid to do, in my case, a chapter of a book manuscript that is way behind schedule. Add to that some hefty editing responsibilities for the Journal of Canadian Studies, and my time for blogging has been scarce of late.
And yet, even with a hotly contested Quebec election - don't get me started on the new language law and Quebec citizenship proposals from the PQ - I'm still too busy for a proper post at the moment, although I have plans to get more active again once the teaching term starts up.
In the meantime, here's some fun food for thought from my departmental colleagues:
In today's Globe and Mail, my colleague Jacqueline Murray, a historian of medieval sexuality, has some choice words about Todd Akin's recently aired views about rape and conception.
Interested in food? Then check out the blog of Ian Mosby, a postdoc in my department who works on food history.
Or if caffeinated beverages are to your taste, my friend and colleague Stuart McCook has a new blog about coffee called Coffee Cultures. Stuart is a historian of Latin America and environmental history, and is currently working on a project about the history of the coffee rust epidemic.
Don't worry, the Canadian political content will return! Recommend this Post