Thursday, June 30, 2011

Canada Day 144

As long-time readers of this blog may know, I spent many years researching the history of Canada Day celebrations, especially the ones funded by the federal government and those hosted in Ottawa. The project is pretty much wrapped up now, having yielded three published articles and book chapters, a number of public lectures, a podcast, a series of interviews and another article that is still working its way through the publication chain.

For a capsule version of some of the findings of this research, feel free to take a look at this article from the University of Guelph alumni magazine slightly reworked to incorporate this weekend's events, which hits on a few of the major highlights.

And no, I didn't get to pick the backdrop!

ETA: I couldn't resist posting this image from the mid-80s - Because nothing says Canada like Bert the Raccoon and a Kazoo band! :

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Saturday, June 11, 2011

Rating the Prime Ministers

Just a quick post to link to this Maclean's article by Stephen Azzi and Norman Hillmer in which they discuss the results of a poll rating Canada's Prime Ministers, past and present. Interesting to see Wilfrid Laurier topping the results this time around. There are a number of interesting quotes from Canadian political historians, both old and young (including me), explaining their choices and rankings.


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